Phenotypes of Diabetes and Heart Failure




Biomarkers, Diabetes Mellitus, Heart Failure, Phenotype


Classifying diseases according to diverse patient’s characteristics’ is not exclusive to diabetes or heart failure. With the several new prognostic modifying drugs to both diseases, it became increasingly more relevant sorting patients into clusters that may benefit from certain approaches. This mandates the revision of diabetic and heart failure phenotypes. This article aims to resume the existing evidence regarding the phenotypes of both diseases, its relevance to clinical practice and how to stratify the risk when both diseases are present in the same patient.


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How to Cite

Almeida Ramalho S. Phenotypes of Diabetes and Heart Failure. RPMI [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 31];30(1):12-5. Available from:



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