Validation of the Physical Performance Test Scale for the Portuguese Geriatric Population with Dementia
Dementia, Geriatric Assessment, Physical Functional Performance, Portugal, Surveys and QuestionnairesAbstract
Introduction: Dementia is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by cognitive impairment associated with functional decline. In Portugal, there is a shortage of measuring instruments to assess the physical performance of these patients. The Physical Performance Test (PPT) scale evaluates functionality. The aim of the study is to validate both versions of the scale - PPT-7 and 9 items - for elderly with dementia in the Portuguese population.
Materials and Methods: An observational cross-sectional study was performed. Of the 96 individuals evaluated, 60 met the inclusion criteria: age ≥ 65 years; Dementia diagnosis with assessment by Mini Mental State Examination between 10 and 24 points. The ethical procedures of the Helsinki Decla- ration have been complied with. Data collection took place in eight institutions.
Results: Cronbach’s alpha was 0.79 (evaluator 1 and 2) in the PPT-9 items and 0.69 (evaluator 1) and 0.70 (evaluator 2) in the PPT-7 items. The values of test-retest reliability var- ied between 0.65 and 0.72 (evaluator 1) and 0.52 and 0.91 (evaluator 2), except for item 3. The values inter-rater reliability exceeded 0.95. For the PPT-9 and PPT-7 items, the correlation was 0.99. The convergence of the PPT-9 items with the IB is 0.65 and the PPT-7 items is 0.64.
Discussion: Cronbach ́s alpha coefficients revealed good levels of reliability. Both versions have good reproducibility, high interobserver agreement and moderate convergence with IB.
Conclusion: The Portuguese version of the PPT-7 and 9 items is reliable and valid for the elderly with dementia.
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