Consenso sobre pé diabético


  • Carlos Costa de Almeida Relator da 1e Reu­nião Inter-Hospitalar, Coimbra


diabetes, pé diabético, fisiopa­tologia, tratamento, consenso, profilaxia


Teve lugar no dia 16 de Março de 1996 a 1e Reunião Inter-Hospitalar, subordinada ao tema "Pé Diabético". Juntaram-se em Coimbra dezoi­to médicos de várias especialidades, que se de­dicam em grande parte da sua vida profissional ao tratamento daquela situação. Dessa troca informal de conhecimentos e de experiências pessoais, com comunhão de êxitos e fracassos, resultou um conjunto de pontos em que todos concordaram, e que aqui apresentamos, junta­mente com a opinião recente de vários autores que também os apoiam. Este trabalho pretende sobretudo ser uma ajuda de carácter essencial­ mente prático para todos os que, no nosso país, lutam contra aquele flagelo social.


Não há dados estatísticos.


Gama A. D. Pé Diabético - Perspectivas Actuais de Diagnóstico e Tratamento. Rev Port Cir Cardio-Torác Vasc III 1995; (6): 29-36.

Leutenegger M, Malgrange D, 13occalon H, Fontaine P, Got I, Valensi P, Yomtov 13. Le Pied Diabétique. Diabete Metab 199';; 21(6): 452-457.

Murray HJ, Boulton AJ. The Pathophysiology of Diabetic Foot Ulceration. Clin Podiatr Med Surg 1995; 12(1) 1-17.

Nathan DM. Long-term complications of diabetes mellitus. N EngJ Med, 328: 1676, 1993.

Sedlarik KM, Piatek S, Reusche S, Lippert H. Impaired Wound Healing as a Result of Systemic Diseases. J Wound Care 1995; 4(3): 119-120

Dunning T, Hew FL. Thc Anaesthetic Foot - A Case of Severe Diabetic Pcripheral Neuropathy. Aust Fam Physician 1995; 24(9) 1669-1671.

Birke JA, Franks 13D, Foto JG. First Ray Joint Limitation, Pressure. and Ulceration of the First Metatarsal Head in Diabe­tes Mellitus. Foot Ankle lnt 1995; 16(5): 277-284.

Kerstein MD, Polsky S. Treating Wounds Associated with De­ creased Sensibility. Ostomy Wound Manage 1995; 41(2): 46-51.

Mueller MJ, Sinacore DR, Hoogstrate S, Daly L. Hip and Ankle Walking Strategies: Effect on Peak Plantar Pressures anel lmplications for Neuropathic Ulceration. Arch Phys Med Rehahil 1994; 75(11): 1196-1200.

Lower RF, Kenzora JE. The Diabetic Neuropathic Foot: A Tri­pie Crush Syndrome - Measurement of Compartmental Pressures of Normal anel Diabetic Feet. Orthopedics 1994;17(3): 241-248.

Olmos PR, Catalancl S, O'Dorisio TM, Casey CA, Smeacl WL, Simon SR. The Semmes-Weinstein Monofilament as a Po­tential Predictor of Foot Ulceration in Patients with Nonin­ sulin-Dependent Diabetes. AmJ Mecl Sei 1995; 309(2): 76-82.

Buhler-Singer S, Hiller D, Albrecht HP, Seiclel C, Hornstein OP. Disturbances of Cutaneous Microcirculation in Pati­ents with Diabetic Legs: Additional Parameters for a New Therapeutic Concept?. Acta Derm Venereol 1994; 74(4): 250-256.

Chew JT, Tan SR, Sivathasan C, Pavanni R, Tan SK. Vascular Assessment in the Neuropathic Diabetic Foot. Clin Orthop 1995; 320 95-100.

Creutzig A. Pathogenesis of peripheral diabetic microangio­pathy. Critical lschaemia 1994; 4(3): 78-86.

Mayrovitz HN, Larsen PI3. Standard anel Near-surface Laser­ doppler Perfusion in Foot Dorsum Skin of Diabetic and Nondiabetic Subjects with and without Coexisting Periphe­ral Arterial Disease. Microvasc Res 1994; 48(3): 338-348.

Moriarty KT, l'erkins AC, Robinson AM, Wastie ML, Tattersall RB. Investigating the Capillary Circulation of the Foot with 99mTcMacroaggregated Albumin: A Prospective Study in Patients with Diabetes and Foot Ulceration. Diabet Med 1994; 11(1) 22-27.

Pozza G, Vicari AM. Haemostatic alterations in Diabetes Me­llitus. Critical lschaemia 1994; 40 (1): 2-9.

Rayman G, Williams SA, Gamble J, Tooke JE. A Study of Fac­tors Governing Fluid Filtration in the Diabetic Foot. Eur J Clin Invest 1994; 24 (12): 830-836.

Bridges RM, Deitch EA. Diabetic Foot Infections: Pathophysi­ology anel Treatment. Surg Clin North Am, 1994; 74(3): 537- 555.

Gibbons GW, Habershaw GM. Diabetic Foot Infections: Ana­tomy and Surgery. Infect Dis Clin North Am, 1995; 9(1): 131-142.

Forst T, Pfutzner A, Kann P, Lobmann R, Schafer H, Beyer J. Association Between Diabetic-Autonomic-C-Fibre-Neuro­ pathy anel Medial Wall Calcification and the Significance in the Outcome of Trophic Foot Lesions. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 1995; 103(2): 94-98.

McNeely MJ, Bokyo EJ, Ahroni .JH, Stensel VL, Reibel GE, Smith DG, Pecoraro RF. The Independent Contributions of Diabetic Neuropathy and Vasculopathy in Foot Ulcerati­on. How Great are the Risks'. Diabetes Care 1995; 18(2): 216-219.

DCCT Research Group The effect of intensive treatment of diabetes on the development and progression of long-term complications in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. N Eng J Med, 1993: 329 :977.

Defronzo RA, Reasner C. The "Diabetic Control and Compli­cations Triai Study": lmplications for the Diabetic Foot. J foot Ankle Surg 1994; 33(6): 551-556.

Griffiths GD, Wieman T.J Meticulous Attention to Foot Care Improves the Prognosis in Diabetic Ulceration of the Foot. S G O. 1992; 174: 49-51.

Brink T. Induration of the Diabetic Foot Pad: Another Risk Factor for Recurrent Neuropathic Plantar Ulcers. Biomed Tech Berl 1995; 40(7-8): 205-209.

Foster A. Should podiatrists treat patients with CLI ' Critical Ischaemia 1994: 3(4): 120-124.

Albert S, Rinoie C. Effect of Custom Orthotics on Plantar Pres­ sun: Distribution in the Pronated Diabetic Foot.J Foot Ankle Surg 1994; 33(6): 598-604.

Janisse DJ. Prescription Insoles and Footwear. Clin Podiatr Med Surg 1995; 12( 1 ): 41-61.

Sarnow MR, Veves A, Giurini JM, Rosenhlum BI, Chrzan JS, Habershaw GM. ln-Shoe Foot Pressure Measurements in Diabetic Patients with At-Risk Feet and in Healthy Suhjects. Diabetes Care 1994; 17(9): 1002-1006.

Walker SC, Helm PA, Pullium G. Total-Contact Casting, San­ dais, and Insoles: Construction and Applications in a Total Foot-Care Program. Clin Podiatr Med Surg 1995; 120): 63-73

Perry JE, Ulbrecht JS, Derr JA, Cavanagh PR. The Use of Run­ning Shoes to Reduce Plantar Pressures in Patients Who Have Diabetes. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1995; 7702): 1819- 1828.

Patel VG, Wieman TJ. Effect of metatarsal head resection for diabetic foot ulcers on the dynamic plantar pressure distri­bution. Am J Surg 1994; 167: 297-301.

Ehrlich KS, Rumack J.S. Evaluation and management of no­nhealing infected wounds in diabetics. Highlights from: Complications in Surgery 1995; 12(3) :7-13.

Karchmer AW, Gibbons GW. Foot Infections in Diabetics: Evaluation and Management. Curr Clin Top lnfect Dis 1994; 14: 1-22.

Louie A, 13altch AL, Smith RP. Gram-Negative Bacterial Sur­veillance in Diabetic Patients. Highlights from: Complicati­ons in Surgery 1994; 11(2) :3-11.

West NJ. Systemic Antimicrobial Treatment of Foot lnfections in Diabetic Patients. Am J Health Syst Pharm 1995; 52( 11 ): 1199-207, Quiz 1239-1240.

Horowitz JD, Durham JR, Nease DB, Lukens ML, Wright JG, Smead WL. Prospective evaluation of magnetic resonance imaging in the management of acute diabetic foot infecti­ons. Ann Vasc Surg 1993; 7: 44-50.


Larsson , Agardh CD, Apelqvist J, Stenstrom A. Clinical Cha­racteristics in Relation to Final Amputation Levei in Diabe­tic Patients with Foot Ulcers: A Prospective Study of Hea­ling Below or Above the Ankle in 187 Patients. Foot Ankle lnt 1995; 16(2): 69-74.

Pinzur MS, Smith D, Osterman H. Syme Ankle Disarticulation in Peripheral Vascular Disease and Diahetic Foot Infecti­on: The One-Stage versus Two-Stage Procedure. Foot Ankle Int 1995; 16(3): 124-127.

GISAP Group Evaluation of a conservative treatment with ilo­prost in severe peripheral occlusive arterial disease. Int Angiol 1994; 13: 70-74.

Loosemore TM, Chalmers TC, Dormandy JA. A Meta-analysis of randomised placebo control triais in Fontaine stages !II and IV peripheral occlusive arterial disease. Int Angiol 1994: 13(2): 133-142.

Stürzebecher S, Taschke C. lntravenous Therapy with the pros­tacyclin Derivative Iloprost in Severe Stages of Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease. Hamostaseologie 1993: 13: 73-79.

Volteas N, Leon M, Labropoulos N, Christopoulos D, Boxer D, Nicolaides A. The effect of iloprost in patients with rest pain. Eur J Vasc Surg 1993; 7 654-658.

Gibbons GW. Vascular Evaluation and Long-term Results of Distal Bypass Surgery in Patients with Diabetes. Clin Podi­atr Med Surg 1995; 120): 129-140.

Isaksson L, Lundgren F. Vein bypass surgery to the foot in patients with diabetes and critical ischaemia. Br J Surg 1994; 81: 517-520

Pornposelli FBJr, Marcaccio EJ, Gibbons GW, Campbell DR, Freeman DV, Burgess AM, Miller A, LoGerfo F.W. Dorsalis Pedis arterial bypass: durable limb salvage for footische­mia in patients with diabetes mellitus. J Vasc Surg 1995; 21: 375-384.

Ubbink T, Jacobs MJ. The Role of Diabetes in Criticai Limb lschaemia. Critical Ischaemia 1996; 6(1): 23-25.

Smith FCT, Thomson IA, Hickey NC, Paterson IS, Tsang GMK, Simms MH, Shearman C.P. Adjuvant Prostanoid Treatment During Femorodistal Reconstruction. Ann Vasc Surg 1993; 7(1): 88-94.

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Costa de Almeida C. Consenso sobre pé diabético. RPMI [Internet]. 31 de Março de 1997 [citado 6 de Fevereiro de 2025];4(1):9-14. Disponível em:



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