Approach to the Hyponatraemic Patient
tremia/diagnosis; Hyponatremia/epidemiology; Hyponatremia/therapy, Hyponatremia/diagnosis; Hyponatremia/epidemiology; Hyponatremia/therapyAbstract
Hyponatremia is the most common electrolyte disorder in the clinical practice environment. Usually, it is associated with one or more underlying pathological processes and with increased mortality and morbidity if the appropriate diagnosis and treatment is are applied. The first step in the management of the patient with hyponatremia is the classification of the symptom’s severity which determines the urgency of the treatment. On one side, in very symptomatic hyponatremia, hypertonic saline must be immediately administered. On the other side, in asymptomatic patients or those with moderate symptoms, the underlying causes should first be investigated and removed/treated before any therapeutic intervention. The goal of this review is to discuss and improve the diagnostic and therapeutic approach of hyponatremia, following the most recent recommendations
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