Requalification of the Casualty / Emergency room network: change, right or wrong?


  • Agripino Oliveira *Consultor de Medicina Interna Hospital de Espinho com grau de Mestre em Saúde Pública Unidade de urgência, Hospital Distrital de Espinho


Emergency room unit, acute medical illness, internal medicine


The Casualty/ Emergency Room network requalification process
foresees the closure of Espinhos´ Hospital Casualty. Since the
integration of this Unit in the National Health Service, it functions
to help relieve congested hospital emergency services. The identification and evaluation of the unit productivity using the computer
science application “sonho”, shows that in the year 2006, 36715
emergency episodes were documented, 11.2% of the patients
were transferred and a mortality of one per thousand consultations
was documented. Greatest use of the Unit was found in the 14-
45 year age group. This reflects a lack of accessibility to primary
care services as well as the confidence felt by the inhabitants of
Espinho. The predominance of acute medical illness in the area
of internal medicine, provided on-job training opportunities for
“contract” doctors, as well as better use of hospital admission
and outpatient consultations. The paediatric and geriatric age group benefited most from this.
The closing of Emergency Room services in the United States
and Canada, and the increase of accessibility to primary care in
the United Kingdom and Spain, have not contributed to control the
increase in number and appropriateness of, emergency consultations. In practice there has been a constant growth resulting in the
inevitable congestion of the Casualty/Emergency Room services.
The predicted closure of the Espinho hospital Unit is expected to
cause a work overload for the referral hospital as well as a negative
economic impact on the National Health Service.


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How to Cite

Oliveira A. Requalification of the Casualty / Emergency room network: change, right or wrong?. RPMI [Internet]. 2008 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 30];15(4):237-44. Available from:



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