Cerebral vascular accident The Physiotherapy and Internal Medicine joint opinion
stroke, rehabilitation, pulses, Barthel, FIM, Minimental State Examination, RavenMatricesAbstract
Objectives: To define the features of a population with stroke in acute phase, to evaluate the global functional capacity during and after internment and to survey the reliability of the used protocols.
Design: Included in the study 250 patients with stroke interned in Medicine Service during 18 months. It was proceeded a joint register from some protocols including functional, assesssments (Pulses Scale, Barthel Index, Functional Independence Measure-FIM), cognitive assessments (Gradual Minimental State Examination, Raven Matrices), physical assessments (Stages of Motor Recovery and Sensibility) anda general medicine protocol. ln the 2ª phase reevaluation of de surviving patients was done.
Results: The global results do not difer in general from the remaining consulted Portuguese series. Alt the patients had been submitted to one dynamic program of rehabilitation initiated in average to 5° day. We got 76,8% of improved patients. Of the survivors only 57% had contiunued the program rehabilitation.
Conclusions: The assessments of stroke patientes for the purpose of designing rehabilitation tretaments is very important. The autors intend to characterise the quality of the tretaments given to these patients and to evaluate the importance of the joint intervention of the Internai Medicine and the Physical Medicine Rehabilitation.
Fonte - Departamento de Estudos e Planeamento da Saúde - Elementos Estatísticos Saúde/94 - Ministério da Saúde.
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