Dificuldade no diagnóstico da doença de Hodgkin
doença de Hodgkin, tuberculose ganglionarResumo
Os autores apresentam um caso clínico de doença de Hodgkin, cujo diagnóstico foi efectuado tendo a doença já dois anos de evolução. A propósito, tecem alguns comentários acerca da dificuldade no diagnóstico desta doença.
Haskell C, Parker R. Hodgkin Disease. ln Cancer Treatment (Charles M. Haskell). Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Company 1990; 655-681.
Goldman JM. The lymphomas. ln Postgraduate Haematology (Edited by A. V. Hoffhrand; S. M. Lewis). Oxford: Heinemann Medical Books 1989; 502-515.
Miller T, Grogan T. Hodgkin Disease anel No-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. ln Internai Medicine (Editor-in Chief: Jay H. Stein). St. Louis, Missouri: Mosby-Year Book 1994; 899-905.
Hopewell P, Small P. Tuberculosis and Nontuberculous Myco bacterial Infections. Ibid. 2193-2210.
Urba WJ, Longo DL. Hodgkin's Disease. New Eng J Med 1992;10:678-687.
Mueller Nancy et al. Hodgkin's Disease and Epstein-Barr Virus-Altered Antibody Partem before Diagnosis. Ibid. 1989;11:689-695.
Elaine SJ. Toe Elusive Reed-Sternberg Cell. Ibid. 1989; 8: 529-531.
Mauch PM. et al. Patterna of presentation of Hodgkin Disease Implications for Ethiology and Pathogenesis. Cancer 1993; 6: 2062 - 2071.
Khan G. et al. Epstein-Barr Virus in Hodgkin Disease-Relation to Age and Subtype. Ibid. 1993; 8: 3124 - 3129.
Weiss L. et al. Detection of Epstein-Barr Viral Genomes in Reed-Sternberg Cells of Hodgkin's Disease. New Engl Med 1989; 8: 502 - 506.
DeVita VT, Hubbard SM. Hodgkin's Disease. Ibid. 1993; 8: 560 - 565.
Naumovsky L. et al. Origin of Reed-Sternberg Cells in Hodgkin's Disease. Ibid. 1989; 8: 543.
Butler JJ. The histologic diagnosis of Hodgkin's disease. Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology. IX, 4, 1992.
SaidJ. Toe Immunohistochemestry of Hodgkin's Disease. Ibid.
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