Revisiting Drug-Induced Hyperthermia Syndromes
Fever/chemically induced, Hyperthermia, Pharmaceutical PreparationsAbstract
Fever is a frequent cause of recurrence in the Emergency Service but is not often associated with infection. Several drugs can condition the thermoregulation system causing a hypercatabolic state that can be fatal if not recognized in advance. There are five major drug-induced hyperthermic syndromes: (1) malignant neuroleptic syndrome, (2) serotonergic syndrome, (3) anticholinergic syndrome, (4) sympathomimetic syndrome and (5) malignant hyperthermia syndrome. The authors aim to review these hyperthermic drug-induced syndromes, their differential diagnosis, possible treatments, as well as the deleterious effects of sustained hyperthermia, evidencing their neurological consequences. Drug-induced hyperthermia is a diagnosis often overlooked when approaching febrile illnesses and whose treatment includes discontinuation of the responsible drug, supportive measures and in some cases adequate pharmacological therapy
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