Sclerosing Encapsulating Peritonitis: A Rare and Insidious but Potentially Fatal Disease
Peritoneal Dialysis/adverse effects, Peritonitis, SclerosisAbstract
Sclerosing encapsulating peritonitis is a rare and insidious disease associated with peritoneal thickening and fibrosis and it mainly affects patients with history of peritoneal dialysis. Unfavourable clinical outcomes with bowel incarceration are common, with a mortality rate of 25%- 55%. We report a case of a 47-year-old man with chronic kidney disease and previous peritoneal dialysis who was assisted in the emergency department with fever, anorexia and one-week evolution ascites. Increased inflammatory acute phase markers was documented. Radiological evaluation showed a septate ascites, peritoneal thickening and bowel obstruction. Ascitic fluid was suggestive of hematic exudative ascites. Tamoxifen and steroids were started with significant clinical and radiological improvement. Here we describe a rare and potentially fatal complication of peritoneal dialysis. Due to its unspecific symptoms and clinical presentation meticulous clinical examination is required in suspected cases.
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