Palliative Care and Pre-Graduate Medical Education: Perspectives of Last-Year Medical Students and Medical Interns




Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice, Internship and Residency, Palliative Care, Students, Medical


Introduction: In Portugal, the ageing of the population, and the high prevalence of chronic diseases justify the investment in the education of health professionals in palliative care (PC). The main objective of this study was to assess the opinions of medical students and interns about pre-graduate education in PC, and its contribution to the medical profession.

Material and Methods: Qualitative study (online questionnaire) with descriptive treatment of the data. Participants were last-year students at Medical Schools of Portugal and first-year interns.

Results: Of the 221 participants, 61% were students, the majority attended PC classes which lasted <8 hours. Participants considered the discipline of PC relevant for the medical education, but it should have a higher workload and should give the necessary knowledge to any general practitioner. There should be more education on symptoms of terminally ill patients, physical signs of imminent death, and communication of bad news. Participants revealed a good knowledge of the philosophy of PC and felt familiar with the main concepts of PC. Students did not have access to a practical, specialized environment for PC.

Conclusion: In Portugal, although the pre-graduate education in PC is insufficient, it has had a positive effect, with high theoretical knowledge, but with little practice in PC. Medical Schools should invest more in pre-graduate education in PC, through the obligatory curriculum and regular clinical practices, empowering students for an empathic and compassionate relationship between the doctor and the patient in PC.


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How to Cite

Frazão P, Reis-Pina P. Palliative Care and Pre-Graduate Medical Education: Perspectives of Last-Year Medical Students and Medical Interns. RPMI [Internet]. 2021 Sep. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 29];28(1):13-21. Available from:



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