Dear Sepsis-3, we Are Sorry to Say, But we do Not Like You
Consensus, Sepsis, Shock, SepticAbstract
Authors have reviewed recent JAMA publications changing
sepsis and septic shock definitions and they express their
point of view and concern with Sepsis-3 task force proposals,
stressing six relevant points: disagreement with the
divorce of the sepsis concept with infections definition and
concept; disagreement with the elimination of systemic inflammatory
response syndrome (SIRS) concept and with
the suppression of the concept of non-infectious SIRS origin;
disagreement with the proposal of two sepsis definitions,
one for the ICU and the other for remaining ambiance;
disagreement with the selection of sequential organ failure
assessment (SOFA) to define sepsis; disagreement with
the fact that Sepsis-3 can delay the diagnosis and consequently
compromise early proper treatment; surprised by
the independent publication of Sepsis-3 task force definitions
without link to the Surviving Sepsis Campaign recommendations
expected for 2016.
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