Satisfaction with the Internal Medicine Internship, what do we think?


  • Cristina Teixeira Pinto Serviço de Medicina 1 do Hospital de Faro - Centro Hospitalar do Algarve, Faro, Portugal
  • Ana Pinheiro Sá Serviço de Medicina 1B do Hospital de Santa Maria - Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Norte, Lisboa, Portugal
  • Rafaela Veríssimo Serviço de Medicina do Hospital de Gaia - Centro Hospitalar de Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho, Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal
  • Andreia Vilas-Boas Serviço de Medicina do Hospital Pedro Hispano - Unidade Local de Saúde de Matosinhos, Matosinhos, Portugal
  • João Firmino Machado Unidade de Saúde Pública Porto Ocidental, Porto, Portugal



Medical Education, Internship and Residency, Mentors, Internal Medicine, Questionnaires


Introduction: Internship is crucial to the quality of medical
care. This study aims to identify factors influencing the satisfaction with the Portuguese Internal Medicine internship

Material & Methods: Observational, transversal,
analytic study. A focus group selected questions for an online
anonymous questionnaire, determining Interns demographic
data, as well as satisfaction rates in the various learning scenarios, working conditions and dynamics.

Results: We collected 213 valid questionnaires (estimated response rate of 28.4%). Average global satisfaction with the
internship was 4.05/6 (±1.14). The most unsatisfied residents
were those with more weekly working hours (p =0.018) hours
in the emergency department (p = 0.010), worst working environment among residents (p <0.001) and higher frequency of taking decisions they felt unprepared to (p <0.001). A
statistical model identified as satisfaction predicting factors
(p <0.001): satisfaction with training in the ward, in the emergency department and in the outpatient setting as well as
satisfaction with their mentor; accounting for 69.0% of the
satisfaction with the internship (R2=0.69; R2a=0.68).
Discussion: The quality of the training in the emergency department, as well as the long hours and the difficult decision
making, contribute to lower satisfaction rates. The prediction
model identified as key aspects of residency satisfaction, the
quality in the emergency and outpatient settings, as well the
satisfaction with the mentor.
Conclusion: Portuguese Internal Medicine residents are overall satisfied with their training. Training in the ward, emergency
and outpatient settings are key aspects to consider in order
to improving internship.


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How to Cite

Teixeira Pinto C, Pinheiro Sá A, Veríssimo R, Vilas-Boas A, Firmino Machado J. Satisfaction with the Internal Medicine Internship, what do we think?. RPMI [Internet]. 2015 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];22(3):125-30. Available from:



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