Spontaneous haemothorax as the clinical onset of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome type IV, spontaneous haemothorax, connective tissue disease, articular hypermobility, skin fragility, skin hiperextensibilityAbstract
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is a disease characterized by joint hypermobility, increased skin elasticity and fragility due to a connective
tissue disorder. There are 6 main types, distinguished on the basis
of clinical signs, mode of inheritance, biochemical abnormalities and underlying molecular abnormalities.
The authors report the case of a female, 44 years-old, who
presented with a 2- month chest pain, due to a spontaneous haemothorax.
The clinical, laboratorial and imaging studies data allowed us
to make the diagnosis of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome type IV.
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