Nomenclature and diagnostic criteria of ischaemic heart diseases


  • J. T. S. Soares da Costa Professor da Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa e Ex-Director do Serviço de Medicina do Hospital de Santa M


schaemic heart disease, nomenclature, clinical classifications, diagnostic criteria


The main objective of this article is to describe the nomenclature,
classification and diagnosis of ischaemic heart disease. Only the
diagnostic criteria based on clinical history, electrocardiogram and
biochemical markers will be referred to. The current nomenclature
is as follows: 1. Stable angina pectoris; 2. Unstable angina; 3.
Myocardial infarction: a) Acute evolving or recent myocardial
infarction with ST segment elevation and without ST segment
elevation; b) Established myocardial infarction; 4. Heart failure;
5. Arrhythmias; 6. Primary cardiac arrest.


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How to Cite

Soares da Costa JTS. Nomenclature and diagnostic criteria of ischaemic heart diseases. RPMI [Internet]. 2007 Jun. 29 [cited 2024 Dec. 18];14(2):100-12. Available from:



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