Recurrent Upper gastro-intestinal bleed caused by a pseudo-aneurysm of the gastro-duodenal artery
recurrent upper gastrointestinal bleeding, angiography, gastroduodenal pseudoaneurym, embolization, chronic pancreatitisAbstract
The authors describe a case of a young man with a history of
chronic pancreatitis presenting with several episodes of gastrointestinal bleeding with haemodynamic repercussion and
normal endoscopic findings. Imaging revealed the presence of a
vascular malformation of the Coeliac Trunk. After a new episode of
gastrointestinal bleeding the patient was admitted to the hospital
where he was submitted to a selective angiography that showed
a Gastro-duodenal pseudo-aneurysm. The malformation was
embolized successfully and the patient had a positive clinical evolution.
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