Castleman disease – clinical case report


  • Catarina Mendonça Serviço de Medicina I do Hospital Distrital de Faro
  • Elena Rios Serviço de Medicina I do Hospital Distrital de Faro
  • Carlos Reis Serviço de Medicina I do Hospital Distrital de Faro
  • Alfredo Santos Serviço de Medicina I do Hospital Distrital de Faro
  • Pastor Santos Silva Serviço de Medicina I do Hospital Distrital de Faro


atypical lymphoproliferative disease, corticotherapy, Castleman’s disease


Castleman’s disease (CD) is an atypical lymphoproliferative
disease that affects B cells and in which we can distinguish 3
variants. Its approach is different according to the presenting
form: solitary or multicentric.
The authors present a clinical case of multicentric CD, plasma
cell variant, in a patient not infected by human immunodeficiency
virus. Based on the case, the authors make a revision of the
literature concerning this disease.


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How to Cite

Mendonça C, Rios E, Reis C, Santos A, Santos Silva P. Castleman disease – clinical case report. RPMI [Internet]. 2008 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 30];15(4):249-53. Available from:

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