Multidisciplinary Discharge Planning Team: A Project of the Medicine 2 Service of the Amadora/Sintra Local Health Unit
Equipa Multidisciplinar de Planeamento de Altas: Um Projeto do Serviço de Medicina 2 da Unidade Local de Saúde Amadora/Sintra
Patient Care Team, Patient DischargeResumo
The challenge of finding a balance between the inpatient
capacity of the Internal Medicine wards and the growing social needs of the inpatients is a variable in constant tension. The high number of social admissions is a well-known problem and limits the appropriate response to acute admissions. Discharge Planning Teams are multidisciplinary teams of doctors, nurses and social workers who work with all professionals involved in the clinical pathway and discharge planning. The team's working model is based on the early and systematic assessment of all users, using three scales as instruments that constitute the team's initial assessment of the user. The monitoring of several indicators in real-time makes it possible to adjust and improve the assessment process, as well as to monitor gains in terms of care indicators.
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