Use of venous thromboprophylaxis and compliance with institutional guidelines: A cross-sectional study
Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a very serious and common
complication of hospitalization. All inpatients have an increased
risk for VTE and there are several measures that can be used to
prevent it. International guidelines recommend their use both in
surgical patients as in medical patients. The aim of this study
was to assess compliance with thromboprophylaxis institutional
A cross-sectional study was carried out in a Portuguese Hospital
three years after guidelines were implemented there. For each patient, in the different departments for acute conditions, the authors
studied the individual risk and the global guideline compliance.
Out of 234 inpatients at the hospital, 25 were excluded. The
patients were divided in two groups according to their condition
being primarily a medical or surgical one. In our sample 80.4% of
patients presented moderate/high risk of VTE. The compliance rate
with institutional guidelines was: 75.3%; and 86.6% (in medical
and surgical patients, respectively); reflecting a better compliance
than reported in previous literature. However in patients at risk
for VTE and heparin use contraindications only 9.7% underwent
mechanical prophylaxis. This last issue represents an important
field for future improvement.
Key words: Venous thromboembolism; deep vein thrombosis;
pulmonary embolism; low-molecular weight heparin.
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