Angioedema and flushing in the elderly patient. From “allergy” to carcinoid tumour. Importance of the differencial diagnosis.
angioedema, carcinoid, high blood pressure, flushingAbstract
Aging influences the variety of pathologies observed at any internal medicine department and Allergology is not an exception.
One of the main reasons of referency of the aging patients to
Allergology department are the adverse drugs reactions. Reninangiotensin-aldosterone blockers are widely used in the treatment
of cardiovascular pathology and angioedema is one of the possible side effects. We present the case-report of a 71-year-old
woman with recurrent angioedema associated with emergency
room treatment of hypertensive crisis with sublingual administration of captopril. Angioedema was controlled after captopril
eviction. Later she presented with flushing episodes, that were
interpreted by her medical assistant as an allergic reaction and
she was sent to Allergology department for further investigation.
Neuroendocrine tumor was diagnosed and collaboration with
different specialities was needed for the adequate treatment.
The authors discuss the aetiology of angioedema and carcinoid and the treatment options.
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