Pulmonary embolism – 17 Cases analysis
Pulmonary embolism, casuistic, thoracic spiral computed tomographyAbstract
Pulmonary embolism (PE) is an important cause of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. A retrospective three years study of PE,
confirmed by perfusion lung scanning and/or spiral computed tomography, in the Internal
Medicine I Service of Santa Maria Hospital is presented. Comparative analysis of the international literature in this field is referred. Data from 17 patients (9 females, 8 males; mean age:
62.4±16.8 years) with previous surgery and/or immobilization was reviewed. The majority of
the patients presented non-massive PE (52.9%) associated with dyspnea (58.8%) and right
ventricular dysfunction (52.9%). Laboratory findings: hypoxaemia (41.2%), elevated lactic acid dehydrogenase (52.9%), d-dimers (35.5%) and fibrinogen (35.5%). Atrial tachycardia was observed on the electrocardiogram in 70.6% of
patients. Transthoracic echocardiography revealed right ventricular dysfunction/dilatation
in 9.4%. Imagiologic approach often shows a
chest film with an enlarged right descending pulmonary artery (29.4%), perfusion lung scanning
indicating a high probability of disease (47.1%) and spiral computed tomography with PE in the proximal pulmonary vascular tree (35.3%).
All our patients were prescribed anticoagulant therapy. Two patients (11.8%) died.
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