Hypernatraemia – A theoretical revision
antidiuretic hormone, dehydration, diabetes insipidus, hipernatrémiaAbstract
Renal water conservation and thirst are the two essential mechanisms to counter hypernatraemia. Among non-hospitalised individuals, hyper-natraemia mainly occurs in elderly people, as a result of infection-related dehydration. In hospitalised patients, it appears when water is given erroneously to individuals whose state o consciousness is altered or are cannot freely access water. As a response to hypernatraemia, the brain undergoes a series of mechanisms to avoid neuronal shrinkage. The rapid up-take of electrolytes is followed by a slower phase of accumulation of organic osmolytes. Hypernatraemia is treated with infusion of liquids at a rate dictated by the rate of removal of the referred solutes from the brain. The mortality rate varies between 40 and 60%.
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