Anti-cytoplasmic anti-bodies of neutrophils and monocytes - Appreciation of their use in clinical practise


  • Sandra Margarida Caldas Amaral Interna de Oncologia Médica do Instituto Português de On­cologia
  • António Miguel Pacheco Interno de Reumatologia do Hospital de Egas Moniz
  • António Alves de Matos Assistente Graduado de Reumatologia do Hospital de Egas Moniz


vasculitis, Wegener, ANCA, PR3, MPO


Ten years passed over the discovery of ANCA - Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies - without the criteria that stablish a clinicai relation concerning the study of the vasculitic sindromes. This article reviews the importance of ANCA in vasculitis, with special attention devoted to physiological, diagnostic and prognostic implications.


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How to Cite

Caldas Amaral SM, Pacheco AM, Alves de Matos A. Anti-cytoplasmic anti-bodies of neutrophils and monocytes - Appreciation of their use in clinical practise. RPMI [Internet]. 1999 Sep. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];6(3):199-202. Available from:



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