Community-acquired pneumonia in adult patients admitted to Horta hospital
pneumonia, prognostic factors, mortalityAbstract
The aim of this study was to acquire the clinical and analytical data in adult patients with community-acquired pneumonia requiring hos pitalization, and to evaluate the prognostic in fluence on mortality of parameters avaliable in an emergency unit of a small regional hospital.
A 4-year study (1990-93), including all patients consecutively admitted with a diagnosis of com munity-acquired pneumonia selected by retros pective review ofthe Hospital da Horta records, was performed. Clinical analytical and demographic data, avaliable on admission and recorded in the medical records, were analyzed. Using lo gistic regressions the prognostic factors from medical data recorded on admission that sho wed a univariate association with mortality were analyzed.
Eighty-eight patients were included in the study, representing 4 percent of all admissions in the Department of Internal Medicine. Three cases per 1.000 habitants were admitted in 1990, and this ratio decreased to 1,5 /1.000 habitants in 1993. The mean age was 64 +17 (r(lflge: 20-92); 41% were males and 59% werefemales. Seven patients (8 per cent) died because of respi ratory failure or sepsis. The prognostic factors associated with mortality were: chronic ethanol intake, kucocytes >15 x109/L,glucose > 6,8mmol/ L, urea nitrogen >7,2 mmol/L, creatinine >110 mmol/L, LDH >350 U/L, AST >40 U/L, pH <7,30, PaO2 < 7,33 kPa and PaCO2 >6 kPa. ln the multi variant analysis elevation in PaCO2 and LDH, remained significant.
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