Amylin: pancreatic hormone of glucose regulation


  • Ana Maria Gonçalves Assistente Hospitalar Graduada de Oftalmologia do Hospital de Santo António dos Capuchos, Lisboa
  • Maria Cristina Esteves .
  • Jorge L. Caldeira .


amylin, glucose homeostasis, gas­tric emptying in diabetes


Type I or late-stage (insulin-deflcient) type II diabetes is characterized by impaired glucose homeostasis that results from the destruction of pancreatic {>cells and subsequent loss of insulin production. ln many patients optimal meta­bolic control, essential for the prevention of dia­betic complications, is diflcult to obtain. Abnor­malities of gastric emptying are now recognized contributors to variations in glycemic control.

Amylin is now recognised as the third pancre­atic hormone involved in the control of glucose homeostasis. lts actions include the modulation of gastric emptying while diverse other effects are still under discussion. Today, recognition of the fact that the level of this hormone is dimini­shed in diabetic patients, together with know­ ledge of its actions, leads to a possible new futu­re therapeutic perspective involving the admi­ nistration of amylin analogues.


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How to Cite

Gonçalves AM, Esteves MC, Caldeira JL. Amylin: pancreatic hormone of glucose regulation. RPMI [Internet]. 1998 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];5(2):122-5. Available from:



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