Hipertensão arterial e doença coronária
hypertension, coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, endothelium, left ventricular hypertrophy, coronary reserveAbstract
The relation between arterial hypertension and coronary artery disease is analysed. The importance of other concurrent risk factors of atherosclerosis and the less remarkable effi-
cacy of antihypertensive treatment in what concerns coronary artery disease are both em phasised.
Endothelial dysfunction related to several risk factors is mentioned as a key factor to functional and structural alterations of coronary arteries. Coronary pathophysiology in hypertensive heart disease is further discussed and several mechanisms responsible for ischemia, mainly subendocardiat in left ventricular hypertrophy, are described. Special emphasis is given to the potential importance of prevention and regression of left ventricular hypertrophy and interstitial fibrosis in improving coronary reserve and ventricular function.
Finally, the therapeutic measures available to potentially break the causal link between arterial hypertension and coronary artery disease are refereed.
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