The efficacy of plasmapheresis and immuno­globulins in Guillain-Barré syndrome: A retrospective study


  • Luís Negrão Assistente Hospitalar de Neurofisiologia, Serviço de Neurologia dos Hospitais Universidade de Coim­bra
  • J. M. Santos Interno do Internato Complementar de Neurologia, Serviço de Neurologia dos Hospitais Universidade de Coimbra
  • Francisco Camões Interno do Internato Complementar de Neurologia, Serviço de Neurologia dos Hospitais Universidade de Coimbra
  • José Barbosa Assistente Hospitalar de Neurologia, Serviço de Neurologia dos Hospitais Universidade de Coim­bra
  • Luís Cunha Director de Serviço de Neurologia, Serviço de Neurologia dos Hospitais Universidade de Coim­bra


Guillain-Barré syndrome, plasmaphere­sis, intravenous immunoglobulin


Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) is a sub-acute poliradiculoneuropathy, potentially fatal. Plasma­ pheresis (PF) and recently Intravenous Immuno­ globulin (IvIG) are the therapies of choice, resulting in significant clinicai improvement.

ln this retrospective study, 46 patients with a diagnosis of GBS were analysed. Three groups of patients were considered. One (18 patients) treated with PF, a second one (13 patients) with IvIG anda third one (15 patients) received only the best medical treatment (MT).

According to the funcional score, 38,4% of patients improved one or mores grades with PF, 61,5% with IvIG and 46,6% with MT.

Three patients died, one in the PF group and the others two in the MT group and none in the IvIG. A significant percentage of patients treated with IvIG was discharged with minor signs and symptoms (69,2%), versus 22,2% and 33,3% in the PF and MT groups respectively.

This study shows a high favourable response to IvIG. The worst results in the PF group might have been due to a more severe disease and a higher incidence of bad prognostic factors, at the beginning of the treatment.


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How to Cite

Negrão L, Santos JM, Camões F, Barbosa J, Cunha L. The efficacy of plasmapheresis and immuno­globulins in Guillain-Barré syndrome: A retrospective study. RPMI [Internet]. 1999 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 31];6(3):152-6. Available from:



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