Progressive systemic sclerosis - An unusual presentation
scleroderma renal crisis, secondary hypertension, progressive systemic sclorosisAbstract
The authors report a case of a 28 year old woman, admited to the Hospital by malignant hypertension, retinopathy grade IV and intracranial hypertension, associated with poliarthralgia, Raynauds phenomenon, microstomy, scleroda ctyly and acute renal failure.
After complete evaluation, we have excluded other causes of secondary hypertension and di agnosed progressive systemic sclerosis with multisystem envolvement (kidney, skin, lung, esophagus and retine), that had a rare form of presentation scleroderma renal crisis (10% of cases) and started emergent antihypertensive treatment with ACE inhibitors (captopril 150 mg daily), nifedipine (60 mg daily) and dialysis. We emphazise this clinical case because it s a rare disease (2.7 new patients/million/year) that had a rare form of presentation, and had a complete recovery of renal function after three months of he modialysis. She is at the present date with nor mal blood pressure without any treatment.
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