Doenças cerebrovasculares - Experiência de um servicço de Medicina Interna durante 8 anos (1986 - 1993)


  • Luz Reis Brazão Internos do Internato Complementar de Medicina Interna, Centro Hospitalar do Funchal
  • Rita Graça Vieira Internos do Internato Complementar de Medicina Interna, Centro Hospitalar do Funchal
  • José Júlio Nóbrega Internos do Internato Complementar de Medicina Interna, Centro Hospitalar do Funchal
  • Decla Freitas Assistente Hospitalar de Medicina Interna Centro Hospitalar do Funchal
  • Ana Paula Reis Assistente Hospitalar de Medicina Interna, Centro Hospitalar do Funchal
  • José Luís Andrade Assistente Hospitalar de Medicina Interna, Centro Hospitalar do Funchal
  • Chaves Teixeira Assistente Hospitalar de Medicina Interna, Centro Hospitalar do Funchal
  • João Tranquada Chefe de Serviço de Medicina I, Centro Hospitalar do Funchal
  • Jorge Nóbrega Araújo Director do Serviço de Medicina 1, Centro Hospitalar do Funchal




Objective: To evaluate the experience of a de­ partment of internal medicine in relation to ce­rebrovascular disease highlightning the im­portance of risk factors associated with this disease.

Design: Retrospective review of medical re­cords from 1986 to 1993.

Setting: Department of Internal Medicine in a tertian care Hospital.

Patients: One thousand three hundred and se­ venty three (1373) patients admitted with the diagnosis ofcerebrovasculardisease in which the Jollowing parameters were evaluated:

Distribution by sex, age and season, indivi­dual risk factors (hypertension, diabetes me­llitus, hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular diseases), localization of lesion, type of cerebro­ vascular disease, morbidity and mortality.

Interventions: Since 1992 we administered ni­modipina to our patients at a dose of 240mg P.O./day with subarachnoide hemorraghea and 120mg P.O./day with cerebrovascular di­sease of ischemic etiology.

Measurements and main results: There was a greater incidence of cerebrovascular disease infemales and in the age group between 71 and 80 years. It occured more Jfemia were the most Jrequent risk Jactors representing 67,3% and 41% of the total.

The left hemisphere of the brain was the most often involved and cerebrovascular disease of ischemic etiology the most frequent, represen­ ting 78,2% of the total Mortality was 17,9%, we would like to stress that during the eight years studied the morta­ lity rate reduced with a significant decrease since 1992.

Conclusions: Cerebrovascular diseases was the most common cause of admission between 1986 and 1993.

Taking into account the importance of the riskfactor we would like to stress that the in­cidence of cerebrovascular disease maybe reduced if we ali cooperate towards a better prevention of some of the risk factors associ­ated with this disease, namely hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes mellitus.


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How to Cite

Reis Brazão L, Graça Vieira R, Nóbrega JJ, Freitas D, Reis AP, Andrade JL, Teixeira C, Tranquada J, Nóbrega Araújo J. Doenças cerebrovasculares - Experiência de um servicço de Medicina Interna durante 8 anos (1986 - 1993). RPMI [Internet]. 1994 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];1(2):90-8. Available from:



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