Doenças cerebrovasculares - Experiência de um servicço de Medicina Interna durante 8 anos (1986 - 1993)
Objective: To evaluate the experience of a de partment of internal medicine in relation to cerebrovascular disease highlightning the importance of risk factors associated with this disease.
Design: Retrospective review of medical records from 1986 to 1993.
Setting: Department of Internal Medicine in a tertian care Hospital.
Patients: One thousand three hundred and se venty three (1373) patients admitted with the diagnosis ofcerebrovasculardisease in which the Jollowing parameters were evaluated:
Distribution by sex, age and season, individual risk factors (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular diseases), localization of lesion, type of cerebro vascular disease, morbidity and mortality.
Interventions: Since 1992 we administered nimodipina to our patients at a dose of 240mg P.O./day with subarachnoide hemorraghea and 120mg P.O./day with cerebrovascular disease of ischemic etiology.
Measurements and main results: There was a greater incidence of cerebrovascular disease infemales and in the age group between 71 and 80 years. It occured more Jfemia were the most Jrequent risk Jactors representing 67,3% and 41% of the total.
The left hemisphere of the brain was the most often involved and cerebrovascular disease of ischemic etiology the most frequent, represen ting 78,2% of the total Mortality was 17,9%, we would like to stress that during the eight years studied the morta lity rate reduced with a significant decrease since 1992.
Conclusions: Cerebrovascular diseases was the most common cause of admission between 1986 and 1993.
Taking into account the importance of the riskfactor we would like to stress that the incidence of cerebrovascular disease maybe reduced if we ali cooperate towards a better prevention of some of the risk factors associated with this disease, namely hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes mellitus.
Di-Lasci G, Salivini S, Nimodipine in ischemic cerebropathy- Clin Ter1993Feb; 142(2): 123(6)
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