Atherosclerosis – apropos of a subclavian steal phenomenon
subclavian steal phenomenon, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseasesAbstract
Atherosclerosis as a multi-systemic pathology affecting people
all around the world, it is the main death cause in developed
countries, through its acute clinical manifestations. The authors
report a clinical case of a 52 year-old man, with a prior medical
history of hypertension and dyslipidaemia, with a detected high
blood pressure only in the right arm in a medical appointment. We
studied the different vascular territories which are more frequently
affected by the atherosclerotic disease, it was diagnosed left
subclavian artery stenosis (related with the observed subclavian
steal phenomenon), bilateral carotid occlusion, bilateral aorto-iliac
lesions and left popliteal artery occlusion. The authors would like to
emphasize the fact that despite the extension of the atherosclerotic
disease, the patient had never had an acute vascular event, until
now. They want also to emphasize the relevance of adequate
and careful medical history and physical examination. That is
why the internal medicine doctors must have a permanent alert
attitude and consequently an active role in primary and secondary
prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
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