Systemic lupus erythematosus and renal Tuberculosis: a case report
SLE, complications, opportunistic infections, tuberculosis, tuberculosis renalAbstract
Patients with systemic lupus erythematosus have a higher rate
of infections, mainly due to its characteristic immunology and immunosuppressive therapy. Among such infections, tuberculosis is
highlighted tending to present extra-pulmonary forms in these patients. Due to an increased morbidity and mortality, it is important
the early detection of opportunistic infections for the early onset
of their treatment. We present a case of a female patient who developed extra-pulmonary tuberculosis of renal focus, which, after
treatment with tuberculostatic drugs and clinical remission, has
evolved into class III lupus glomerulonephritis. The clinical presentation of tuberculosis in patients with lupus is more attenuated,
with important early clinical suspicion
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