Anemia and cardiorenal syndrome in heart failure: review article


  • C. Marecos Serviço de Medicina I do Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria, Lisboa
  • L. Menezes Falcão Serviço de Medicina I do Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria, Lisboa


Anemia, heart failure, chronic renal failure, cardiorenal failure, erithropoietin, iron, folic acid


The presence of anemia and of cardiorenal syndrome in patients
with congestive heart failure is common and multifactorial. It may
lead to a worst clinical condition and higher mortality.
Lower levels of hemoglobin may be a marker of chronic renal
disease and hasten renal function deterioration.
The cardiorenal syndrome is the association between chronic
renal failure and chronic heart failure. This condition is associated
with a worst prognosis.
Creatinine levels and creatinine clearance are useful tools to
identify this pathology at an earlier stage.
If iron, ferritin and iron-binding capacity show iron deficiency, it
may be useful to start therapy with erythropoietin and iron.
The optimal level of hemoglobin may be 12g/dL (36% hematocrit) and is associated with a better prognosis


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How to Cite

Marecos C, Menezes Falcão L. Anemia and cardiorenal syndrome in heart failure: review article. RPMI [Internet]. 2010 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 18];17(4):263-7. Available from:



Review Articles