Addison’s Disease associated with pulmonary tuberculosis – a clinical case report
Addison´s disease, Primary Adrenal Insufficiency, Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome, Pulmonary TuberculosisAbstract
The authors present a case, of a 67 year-old male complaining
of intense asthenia, anorexia and weight loss, who had recently
developed nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and prostration. Clinically
he was dehydrated and hypotensive and blood analyses revealed
serious hyponatraemia, hypochloraemia and hypo-osmolality, as
well as an increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
The reason for presenting this case is the diagnostic challenge
it poses and the need for emergency life-saving therapy.
A revision is made in the discussion, concerning Addison’s
disease in the context of the present case, as well as the unusual
simultaneous tuberculosis infection, which is discussed.
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