Deep neck infections – an unusual presentation
deep neck infections, cervical cellulitis, retropharyngeal abscess, cutaneous reaction, septic shock, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugsAbstract
The authors describe a clinical case of a deep neck infection in a
47-year-old woman admitted in the emergency department with
a 4 day history of fever and myalgia, associated with a maculopapular eruption and intense cervical pain during the 24 hours
prior to admission. The relevance of this presentation, a relatively
frequent condition usually treated by other medical specialities,
resides in the fact that it was observed and treated by internists
because of the systemic form of presentation (which is associated
with a high mortality rate). The evolution was favourable after
treatment with an appropriate antibacterial agent. The patient was
discharged free of symptoms. We took the opportunity to present
a bibliographic revision, highlighting the medical (as opposed to
the surgical) approach and management of this infection.
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