Jehovah's Witnesses - Comments on the refusal of hemotherapy


  • A. de Oliveira Soares Assistente Graduado de Medicina Interna, Serviço de Medicina I do Hospital de Santa Maria, Lisboa


Jehovah's Witnesses, refusal of blo­od transfusions, clinical-legal dilemmas


The refusal of blood transfusion by the mem­bers of the recent and expanding faith known as Jehovah's Witnesses places the doctor in face of a dilemma: let the exsanguine patients die wi­thout the only effective treatment, or violate the individual freedom of decision, forcing the he­motherapy.

This paper remembers the origin of Jehovah's Witnesses, presents a short overview of their doctrine and analysis the reasons invoked by these people for not accepting blood or its natu­ral fractions. A clinical case of fatal refusal of blood transfusions is briefly reported and com­mented.

The solution of the increasing challenge put by these deeply religious patients for whom blood is a forbidden medicine has not a straight solu­tion. The author suggests the urgent need of com­mittees to the study of the problem in its moral, theological medical and legal aspects.


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Alternativas de qualidade para a transfusão (artigo não assina­do). ln: Como pode o sangue salvar a sua vida? Brochura editada por Soc. Torre de Vigia de Bíblias e Tratados, Cesá­rio Lange, São Paulo, Brasil: 13-17;1990 (pode ser pedida a: Torre de Vigia. Rua Conde Barão 511, Alcabideche, 2765 Estoril).

Dixon JL, Smalley MG. Jehovah's Witnesses, the surgical-ethi­cal challenge. )AMA 1981; 246 (21): 2471-2472.

Thomas JM. Canadian Medical Association Journal 1983: 128: 1153-1154 (editorial).

Colectânea de documentos distribuídos a médicos pela "Co­missão de Ligação Hospitalar de Lisboa das Testemunhas de Jeová" (pode ser pedido ao representante oficial, Antó­nio Ruas - Av. Marquês de Tomar, 33 r/c, 1000 Lisboa).

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How to Cite

de Oliveira Soares A. Jehovah’s Witnesses - Comments on the refusal of hemotherapy. RPMI [Internet]. 1997 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];4(1):56-9. Available from:



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