A avaliação do rim do hipertenso pela ecografia renal


  • Leonor Carvalho Assistente Hospitalar de Medicina Interna do H.S.M.
  • Fernanda Morais Assistente Hospitalar de Medicina Interna do H.S.M
  • Fernando Gonçalves Assistente Hospitalar de Medicina Interna do H.S.M.
  • Teresa Fonseca Interno de Complementar de Medicina Interna do H.S.M
  • J. Nogueira da Costa Prof. Catedrático da Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa. Serviço de Medicina I do H. S. M.


Renal ultrasonography, arterial hypertension


Between April 1987 and December 1993, 641 hypertensive patients [364 Jemale (56.8%), 277 male ( 43.2%)], underwent renal ultrasonography. Abnormal ultrasonographic findings were Jound in 364 patients (56.8%) and in 209 (32.6%) of these the alterations were eventually related to arterial hypertension.

355 clinical files were reviewed, of which 93 (26.1%) had renal function deterioration and only 14 (15%) ofthese had ultrasonographic normal kidneys.

No statistical relationship was Jound between the ultrasonographic renal anomalies and car­diac pathology in these patients (z2=2.97, p=0.40 > 0.05).


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How to Cite

Carvalho L, Morais F, Gonçalves F, Fonseca T, Nogueira da Costa J. A avaliação do rim do hipertenso pela ecografia renal. RPMI [Internet]. 1994 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];1(1):20-4. Available from: https://revista.spmi.pt/index.php/rpmi/article/view/2430



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