The Digital Transition of Healthcare: A Pilot Experience
Digital Health, eHealth Strategies, Patient-Centered CareAbstract
The healthcare context is undergoing a significant transformation, facing a series of complex and unprecedented challenges. This transformation is triggered by accessibility constraints to healthcare services, increased expectations from patients and sing financial burdens. Rather than being seen as unsolvable obstacles, these challenges can be perceived as powerful stimuli, encouraging the search for innovative and creative solutions, especially in a context where new digital technologies applicable to healthcare are emerging. In the context of this article, which shares a transformative vision
of healthcare provision, we describe a pilot program developed for the Heart Failure ambulatory of the Internal Medicine Department at the Braga Local Health Unit (ULS-Braga). This proposal encompasses not only treatment, but also proactive health promotion, based on an approach that incorporates cutting-edge digital technology. The overall aim is to significantly expand the scope of outpatient services and provide innovative home care, bringing it closer to the specific needs of (healthy and sick) individuals.
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