Global Geriatric Assessment at Internal Medicine: A More Appropriate Model in The Evaluation of Hospitalized Elderly Patients
Aged, Comorbidity, Geriatric Assessment/methods, Fragilidade, Internal MedicineAbstract
Introduction: The population is ageing. Increasing numbers
of people are living with frailty and disability, and dying with
multiple chronic diseases. Geriatric Assessment is a multidimensional diagnostic tool designed with the aim of enabling
a more precise determination of the health status of the elderly patient, with the objective of establishing a coordinated
and integrated plan.
Material and Methods: This study aimed to characterize the
overall health status of the old patient admitted to Internal
Medicine Department in Hospital de Braga. As secondary
objective we pretend to assess the effectiveness of the model in predicting morbidity and mortality. To accomplish this, a
transversal and prospective analysis was carried out on all
old patients (65 years or older) hospitalized at Internal Medicine Department, on March 2, 2018.
Conclusion: The present study allowed us to confirm that
the patient admitted to the Internal Medicine Department is
mostly old or very old, with pluripatology, polymedicated, dependent on basic activities of daily living and frail.
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