Checklist for The Pre-Discharge of Heart Failure Hospitalizations
Heart Failure, Hospitalization, Patient DischargeAbstract
Heart failure (HF) is a serious burden for the public health in Portugal, being associated to high morbidity and mortality. The clinical management of HF is complex and the disease awareness and healthcare articulation need to be improved. HF patients are frequently hospitalized due to acute episodes. These hospital stays are excellent opportunities for the optimization of the HF clinical management. According to the international recommendations, checklists must be used by the medical staff when dealing with hospitalized HF patients, to improve the clinical outcomes of the disease, and hence, mitigate the clinical and financial impact of the disease. With this position statement the Study Group for Heart Failure (NEIC) from the Portuguese Society of Internal Medicine (SPMI) proposes the implementation of a checklist for the hospital discharge of HF patients in order to improve the clinical management of hospitalized HF patients in Portugal. The purposed checklist follows all the relevant international guidelines and recommendations for the management of HF, considering the Portuguese clinical practice, epidemiology and demography.
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