Meningeal syndrome due to haemorrhage after lumbar puncture


  • Fernando Guimarães Serviço de Medicina Interna CHVRPR - Hospital São Pedro - Vila Real


Lumbar puncture, meningeal syndrome, lumbar puncture headache syndrome, blood stained cerebrospinal fluid, differential diagnosis


Lumbar puncture remains a useful and safe diagnostic test
in many clinical situations. The most common complication
associated with this procedure is lumbar puncture headache
syndrome, which may include neck stiffness. Another frequent
complication, usually without clinical relevance, is blood staining
of the cerebrospinal fluid. We report here a case of meningeal
reaction due to intrathecal haemorrhage after lumbar puncture.
We discuss the delay in recognition of the situation, first assumed
to be a post lumbar puncture headache, and differential diagnosis
issues of blood stained cerebrospinal fluid.


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How to Cite

Guimarães F. Meningeal syndrome due to haemorrhage after lumbar puncture. RPMI [Internet]. 2007 Mar. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 18];14(1):43-5. Available from:



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