Perioperative management of diabetic patient


  • Sílvia Monteiro Interna do Internato Complementar de Cardiologia
  • Fernando Rodrigues Assistente Graduado de Endocrinologia
  • Pereira de Moura Assistente Graduado de Medicina Interna
  • J. J. Alves de Moura Director do Serviço de Medicina II dos HUC e Professor da Faculdade de Medicina
  • Beatriz Campos Directora do Serviço de Endocrinologia do CROC-IPO


diabetes, hyperglycemia, perioperative management, intensive insulin therapy


The hyperglycemia is a common finding in hospitalized patients,
with or without previous diagnosis of diabetes. It has been recently
considered as an independent marker of bad prognosis and of raised mortality.
The aggressive control of the glycaemia levels has been
recognized in several reference studies as an important therapy
target for the treatment of serious acute illness. It can also be
related to the improvement of the clinical results and a significant reduction of mortality.
Diabetic patients are prone to a more frequent and longer
hospitalization and to a larger number of surgical interventions. It
is justifiably associated with an increased morbidity and mortality
rate. Consequently, it requires a specific therapy strategy, which would improve its prognosis.
This paper aims at presenting the diabetic patient’s preparation
for the operation, as well as the main insulin treatments in the
perioperative period. It discloses the intensive insulin therapy’s
prescription according to the protocols previously established,
adapted to the patients and institutions reality


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How to Cite

Monteiro S, Rodrigues F, de Moura P, Alves de Moura JJ, Campos B. Perioperative management of diabetic patient. RPMI [Internet]. 2008 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 31];15(1):49-60. Available from:



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