Words and Concepts in Clinical Relation
Attitude to Death, Communication, Decision Making, Euthanasia, Palliative CareAbstract
Clinical relation is the most differentiating element in clinical practice. Communication is the most relevant element in the establishment of a relationship. Listening, asking, clarifying and debating are essential elements to build a relationship but they demand the use of proper words adjusted to the participant’s culture. Recent discussions about end of life issues showed that health care professionals, media and most of the citizens use incorrect words, with inappropriate meanings, incorrectly related to wrong concepts. In this context and assuming that communication is the basis of the good clinical relation it is urgent to clarify concepts and proper words for current practice to spare misunderstandings and wrong decisions. Authors have assumed the need of profound debate on proper words and correct concepts in clinical practice and current communication in Portuguese, so this text pretends to contribute to that clarification.
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