Dysphagia: An uncommon manifestation oh thymoma


  • Pedro Correia Azevedo Serviço de Medicina do Hospital Garcia de Orta
  • Rita Magriço Serviço de Medicina do Hospital Garcia de Orta
  • Henrique Vara Luiz Serviço de Medicina do Hospital Garcia de Orta
  • Tiago Judas Serviço de Medicina do Hospital Garcia de Orta
  • Frederico Sanches Serviço de Medicina do Hospital Garcia de Orta
  • João Namora Serviço de Medicina do Hospital Garcia de Orta




dysphagia, Myasthenia gravis, thymoma


Myasthenia gravis is an immunological disease of neuromuscular
transmission. It seldom presents bulbar symptoms. In about 15%
of cases it is associated with thymoma. In such cases is regarded
as a paraneoplastic syndrome.
The authors present the case of a 51 years-old man, admitted
because of progressive dysphagia of recent onset. He was previously asymptomatic. Physical examination and laboratory tests
were normal. A slight enlargement of the mediastinum was noted
on chest radiography. Thoracic CT-scan revealed a tumor of the
anterior mediastinum. Upper gastroesophageal endoscopy and
echoendoscopy were normal. A disorder of esophageal motility
was then suspected. The electromyography revealed signs of
Myasthenia gravis. Treatment with pyridostigmine was started
and dysphagia disappeared. Biopsy of mediastinal tumor under
thoracoscopy confirmed a thymoma. The patient was treated
with neo-adjuvant chemotherapy and later tumoral excision was
performed. Since then a marked improvement was noted.


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How to Cite

Correia Azevedo P, Magriço R, Vara Luiz H, Judas T, Sanches F, Namora J. Dysphagia: An uncommon manifestation oh thymoma. RPMI [Internet]. 2014 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];21(1):26-30. Available from: https://revista.spmi.pt/index.php/rpmi/article/view/981



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