Amoebic liver abscess – A case report
Liver abscess, amebiasis, pyogenic abscessAbstract
Amebiasis is one of the most common parasitic infections worldwide. Amoebic colitis and amoebic liver abscess are the most
frequent invasive manifestations of this disease.
We present the case of a 42 years old male patient, admitted
due to high fever and abdominal pain in the right upper quadrant.
Abdominal CT scan revealed 3 right lobe liver abscesses.
As the patient was a resident from an endemic area of amebiasis the differential diagnosis between amoebic liver abscess
and pyogenic abscess was considered, because the therapeutic
approach is quite different.
The clinical condition and the positive serological test for Entamoeba histolytica confirmed a diagnosis of amoebic hepatic
The authors present a brief review of this disease, rare in
developed countries but, in the appropriated epidemiological
scenario should be considered on the differential diagnosis of
hepatic abscesses.
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