Prothrombotic disturbs/Thrombofilia


  • A. S. Silva Serviço de Medicina 1 do Hospital Central do Funchal
  • M. L. Brazão Serviço de Medicina 1 do Hospital Central do Funchal
  • S. Granito Serviço de Medicina 1 do Hospital Central do Funchal
  • S. Escórcio Serviço de Medicina 1 do Hospital Central do Funchal
  • M. Jardim Serviço de Medicina 1 do Hospital Central do Funchal
  • S. Silva Serviço de Medicina 1 do Hospital Central do Funchal
  • J. L. Andrade Serviço de Medicina 1 do Hospital Central do Funchal
  • R. Vieira Serviço de Medicina 1 do Hospital Central do Funchal
  • C. Teixeira Serviço de Medicina 1 do Hospital Central do Funchal
  • D. Freitas Serviço de Medicina 1 do Hospital Central do Funchal
  • J. N. Araújo Serviço de Medicina 1 do Hospital Central do Funchal


Venous thromboembolism, low molecular weight heparin, thrombophilia


Venous and arterial thromboembolic diseases constitute altogether
a problem with great impact on public health, as their cardiac and
cerebrovascular manifestations are the major cause of mortality
and morbidity in western societies, including Portugal.1
A better knowledge of morbidity and mortality associated
with thromboembolic diseases, as well as the discovery of new
antithombotic drugs and more reliable means of diagnosis have
revolutionized this area of Medicine.
In this article, the authors present a revision of the literature
on thrombophilia, including the clinical and diagnostic aspects
and treatment options.


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Centro de informação do medicamento Informações sobre heparina de baixo peso molecular http:/

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How to Cite

Silva AS, Brazão ML, Granito S, Escórcio S, Jardim M, Silva S, Andrade JL, Vieira R, Teixeira C, Freitas D, Araújo JN. Prothrombotic disturbs/Thrombofilia. RPMI [Internet]. 2010 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 18];17(1):49-64. Available from:



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