Vertebral haemangiomatosis – two clinical case reports


  • Sofia Caridade Serviço de Medicina 2, Hospital de São Marcos, Braga
  • Alberto Leite Serviço de Medicina 2, Hospital de São Marcos, Braga
  • Isabel Agonia Serviço de Medicina 2, Hospital de São Marcos, Braga
  • Manuela Rocha Serviço de Medicina 2, Hospital de São Marcos, Braga
  • Narciso Oliveira Serviço de Medicina 2, Hospital de São Marcos, Braga
  • Ílidio Brandão Serviço de Medicina 2, Hospital de São Marcos, Braga


haemangioma, vertebrae, tumours


Haemangiomas are benign lesions arising from proliferation of
blood vessels and represent about 1% of all bone tumours. They
are usually asymptomatic. Nevertheless, they may present as
a vague discomfort progressing to constant pain. Neurological
complications can be found if epidural extension of the tumour exists.
We report two cases of vertebral haemangiomatosis in which a
lesion assumes an aggressive behaviour, very uncommon in these
cases. Hemangiomas were present in other vertebral bodies, with
typical behaviour and imagiological characteristics.


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How to Cite

Caridade S, Leite A, Agonia I, Rocha M, Oliveira N, Brandão Ílidio. Vertebral haemangiomatosis – two clinical case reports. RPMI [Internet]. 2008 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Sep. 7];15(4):272-6. Available from: