Mozart, his illnesses and Medicine in the eighteenth century


  • Luís Dutschmann Director do Departamento de Medicina do Hospital Fernando Fonseca


Mozart’s illness, Chronic Renal Insufficiency, Glomerulonephritis, Shoenlein-Henoch Purpura, Infectious Endocarditis, Eighteenth Century Medicine


Mozart’s death is discussed. His death certificate cites “Miliary
Fever” a term without correlation to medicine today. Mozart’s
health status was evaluated from letters to family members and
from reports obtained many years later. Some authors advocate
chronic renal insufficiency, glomerulonephritis, Shoenlein-Henoch
purpura, sub-acute endocarditis and a contagious disease complicated by shock from severe bloodletting and purging.


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How to Cite

Dutschmann L. Mozart, his illnesses and Medicine in the eighteenth century. RPMI [Internet]. 2006 Dec. 29 [cited 2024 Oct. 17];13(4):298-303. Available from:



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