Hyperparathyroidism secondary to parathyroid carcinoma


  • Lourdes Cruz Jesus Interna do lnternato Complementar de Medicina Interna, Serviço de Medicina Interna do Centro Hospitalar de Coimbra
  • Ana Belmira Santos lnterna do lnternato Complementar de Nefrologia, Serviço de Medicina Interna do Centro Hospitalar de Coimbra
  • Deolinda Portelinha Assistente Hospitalar de Medicina Interna, Serviço de Medicina Interna do Centro Hospitalar de Coimbra
  • A. Neves Firmo Assistente Hospitalar Graduado de Cirurgia Geral, Serviço de Medicina Interna do Centro Hospitalar de Coimbra


hypercalcaemia, hyperparathyroi­dism, carcinoma


The authors describe a case of parathyroid carcino­ma in a 40 year old patient, who presented with clinical symptoms of six month duration, characterized by generalized bone pain, muscle weakness, polydipsia, polyuria, marked lassitude, and a palpable cervical nodule. Laboratorial results revealed severe hypercalca­emia, raised alkaline phosphatase, renal failure and ex­tremely high levels of intact parathyroid hormone

(PTHi). Radiological imaging revealed the exis­ tence of cystic fibrosing osteitis and parentchimal calcification of renal tissue. Studies of the neck showed a heterogenous structure of the left lobe of the thyroid.

Following surgical excision of the tumour com­plete remission of clinical symptoms, as well as normalization of laboratory, values, were ob­served. Nevertheless, ten months after surgery a new rise in PTHi level, consequent hypercal­caemia, and cervical adenopathy ocurred, re­quiring surgical removal once again. The au­thors present the clinical case as well as thera­peutic strategies.


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How to Cite

Cruz Jesus L, Santos AB, Portelinha D, Neves Firmo A. Hyperparathyroidism secondary to parathyroid carcinoma. RPMI [Internet]. 1998 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 18];5(1):32-5. Available from: https://revista.spmi.pt/index.php/rpmi/article/view/2103



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