A Good Death: To Recognize the End-of-Life in Time





Palliative Care, Attitude to Death, Death, Terminal Care


At a time of increasing life expectancy and greater than ever
patients with chronic and incurable diseases in a medicine
that focus on healing, it is often difficult to determine that a
patient is dying and in a situation of impending death. Impeding-death is based on a syndrome of progressive functional
decline, oscillations of consciousness, multi-organ failure and
refusal to feed. This article aims to carry out a theoretical review on impeding-death by reviewing its characteristics and
setting in current medicine


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How to Cite

Pais C, Silva R, Carvalho S, Morais A. A Good Death: To Recognize the End-of-Life in Time. RPMI [Internet]. 2019 Sep. 20 [cited 2024 Dec. 18];26(3):338-46. Available from: https://revista.spmi.pt/index.php/rpmi/article/view/417



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