Practical Guide: Approach to the Period Called Agony


  • Beatriz Braga Serviço de Medicina Interna, Hospital do Divino Espírito Santo de Ponta Delgada, São Miguel, Portugal;
  • Joana Rodrigues Serviço de Medicina Interna, CHLN-Hospital de Santa Maria, Lisboa, Portugal;
  • Mariana Alves Serviço de Medicina III, CHLN-Hospital Pulido Valente, Lisboa, Portugal;
  • Isabel Galriça Neto Unidade de Cuidados Continuado e Paliativos, Hospital da Luz, Lisboa, Portugal



Terminal Care, Palliative Care, Delirium


The period of so called agony comprises the last hours or days of life, in which patients experience clinical and phy- siological changes, along with new symptoms or the exa- cerbation of existing ailments. These patients require direc- ted-care specific and appropriate to their needs, in order to improve their comfort. The objective of this study was to pre- sent a current literature review and analysis to the approach to patient care in the last hours or days of life. Patient symp- toms and signs during this period include exacerbations of the existing symptoms and the onset of new ailments, such as: the decline of the level of consciousness; deterioration of the physical state; the reduction of food and fluid intake; the increase in oropharyngeal secretions; changes in elimi- nation; instances of peripheral edema; changes in body tem- perature; peripheral perfusion alteration; signs of respiratory distress; and understanding, verbalized or not, of the reality of their impending death. We consider it imperative to train and involve health care professionals and their caregivers in patient comprehensive care of the patient at the end of life.


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How to Cite

Braga B, Rodrigues J, Alves M, Galriça Neto I. Practical Guide: Approach to the Period Called Agony. RPMI [Internet]. 2017 Mar. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 18];24(1):48-55. Available from:



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