Delirium: A Prospective Study in an Internal Medicine Ward Inpatients
Aged, Delirium/diagnosis, Hospital Departments, Internal Medicine, Risk FactorsAbstract
Introduction: Delirium is a usual disorder in hospital inpatients. About 30% aged inpatients have at least one episode of Delirium, most of them of the hypoactive type. Nevertheless, this is a sub diagnosed disorder. Delirium has a negative impact on the primary
disease, and worsens patients’ morbidity and mortality. As such,
the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of Delirium are of paramount importance.
Objectives: to study the incidence, risk factors and type of Delirium
episodes amongst Internal Medicine inpatients.
Methods: this was a prospective, observational study, which included all patients admitted in an Internal Medicine ward, during a
two month period. The nursing team identified patients with Delirium, using the Confusion Assessment Method. An assessment was made of the risk factors, precipitating factors, type of disorder and need of medication.
Results: during the study, 11% of our Internal Medicine inpatients
had at least one episode of Delirium. All of these patients were over
65 years old and 75% were male. One third of the patients had 4 or more simultaneous risk factors. 63% of the Delirium episodes were of the hyperactive type and 73% of these needed medication.
Conclusion: The incidence of episodes of delirium in our nursery
was 11%. 63% was accompanied by hyperactive disorder. All patients had at least one factor risk which made them more vulnerable
to this disease.
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